

Question by  lennyk (5)

What is the best Odd Couple episode?


Answer by  jennybop (254)

I like the episode where Oscar helps out Felix's photo shoot, and the next thing you know - they want Oscar to do the campaign since he's such a "regular guy"! It's funny to see Felix in HIS job for a change, and how Oscar steals the show.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

The best Odd Couple episode was when Oscar caught Felix in his room one night when Felix thought Oscar was asleep. Felix had been going through Oscar's wallet and removing money.


Answer by  johnhattan (33)

The "Happy and Peppy and Bursting With Love" episode with Jaye P Morgan. Not only does it treat Jay P as the biggest star in Hollywood, the end where she does a "straight" take of the song is bizarre.


Answer by  lennyk (5)

The one where they fly to Hoklohoma


Answer by  danceur (210)

The best episode is the one with Edward Villella, the famous ballet dancer. Edward Villella plays himself, and he's in charge of a ballet recital. When he doesn't show up to dance at the beginning of the recital, Felix steps in to take his place.

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