


Question by  JohnSmith (52)

What is the basic story line in the movie The Sand Pebbles?


Answer by  sashangeljaz (992)

"The Sand Pebbles" concerns a naval ship in 1926 on duty near China. The ship is soon drawn into the country's internal conflict and the rescue of Christian missionaries.


Answer by  shallora (104)

"The Sand Pebbles" tells the story of Jake Holman, a rebellious machinist mate in the U.S. Navy, as he is aboard the USS San Pablo (nicknamed the "sand pebble") in 1920s China.


Answer by  Camelia (662)

In 1926, u.S. naval engineer Jake Holman is assigned to the gun boat U.S.S. San Pablo - nicknamed the Sand Pebble - this being the latest in a very long string of assignments due to a unyielding view of his work leading to conflicts with many of his colleagues and ship captains. Life on the Sand Pebble is no different.

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