Do they make a quesadilla maker?
Does a milk shake maker make better milkshakes than a blender?
How do you make a dalek costume?
How many cans does it take to make a pound?
If your boyfriend answers dating ads on craigslist should you be concerned?
What adjustments do you need to make to a Honda Recon carb due to a change in altitude?
Where can I make the biggest bucks?
what is
Question by bodingle (22)
Answer by Kyler (20)
This riddle refers to LED bars that are lit to form numbers on a digital display. Each digit requires a subset of up to seven available bars.
Answer by Sara89 (367)
Picture a digital clock. For a 1, two bars are used: | | To form a 2, 3, 5, or 9; use 5 bars. __ __| __| To make a 4, four bars are used: |__| | To make a 6 or zero, six are used: __ | | |__|
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