what is


Question by  Anonymous

What is solar power?


Answer by  Anonymous

Solar Power is electricity produced by the sun's rays that hit on panels which allows electrical things run. It's a real way to be green, but there has to be a lot of sun light so places like Arizona should be a great place to use it.


Answer by  willard (874)

Solar power is electricity produced by sunlight via the photoelectric effect. Essentially, the light strikes the silicon in the solar cell and knocks electrons out, which are then collected, along with the energy they carry. Since all that the solar cell needs to continue doing this is sunlight, it can produce energy for a long time without using any fuel.


Answer by  Nrs (22)

Solar power uses photovoltaic cells to convert light energy into electrical energy. Unfortunately there are two problems with solar power: first, that it's not efficient (though efforts are focusing on this) and secondly that it's too expensive to be feasible in many cases.


Answer by  Wackonorm (164)

Solar power refers to energy created by the sun. It is considered an environmentally friendly way to generate energy. More and more appliances, homes, and services are powered by the sun's rays being absorbed by panels that are then convert into energy.


Answer by  John (9008)

Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. Most commonly, it is generated through what are called solar cells, which soak up the heat and radiation from the sun's rays and convert it into electricity. This can be very small-scale--like on a calculator--or can be a massive array that can power an entire home.

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