

Question by  elsewhen (627)

How can I convert my home to solar power?


Answer by  Tigerbelle (252)

Converting a home to solar power can cost tens of thousands of dollars. However, for small fees on the internet, you can purchase step by step instructions on how to build your own solar panels.


Answer by  SimonLC (234)

Depends on how much can be spent. A complete conversion presupposes several photovoltaic panels, a central electronic control and a battery bank. To use the power (DC) shall be converted into alternating current. These will probably be the most expensive equipment. But you can start with hot water, heated by sunlight.


Answer by  khanohano (20)

First be aware of your state's incentives. Then calculate your system size, price your materials with different sources, consult an electrician, and follow the rest of the process.


Answer by  Mickey (26)

There are 2 basic ways to use solar power for your home. It may be either solar hot water heater or solar electric. In either case, you will need to contact a local contractor that can do the solar installation for you. In the case of solar electric panels, you will also need to contact your electric power company.


Answer by  thebigtymer (37)

Obviously, the best way to convert to solar is to contact a company like BP or Akeena and get an estimate on energy needs and costs. However, before doing so, I suggest you reduce current energy usage as much as possible, as this will reduce your solar costs.

Reply by elsewhen (627):
i agree that the easiest way to be "green" is to reduce energy usage... most people who want to be environmentally conscious think they have to immediately switch to renewable energy... the lowest hanging fruit is to conserve - when the technologies get better, we can all convert to renewables.  add a comment
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