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Question by  namename (43)

What is pseudogout?

Is it fake gout?


Answer by  askandyoushallreceive (658)

No, it is not fake gout. It is an acute form of arthritis. It causes sudden pain, swelling, and inflammation. It occurs when crystalized calcium from the cartilage drips into the joint socket and it causes inflammation and swelling. Like arthritis it is common in older people. It needs to be treated to get better.


Answer by  Tessninky (224)

No, it is similar to gout in that small crystals form in the joints but it is a real and separate disease. It is a disease of the joints which can cause bouts of arthritis. It is caused by salt crystals forming at the joints and building up. It causes joint swelling.


Answer by  goce (24)

Pseudo gout literally means fake gout. Pseudo gout is type of inflammation of joints, in and around of joints caused by deposits of crystals, called calcium pyrophosphate. Pseudo gout can result in arthritis characterized by acute joint swelling, warmth, stiffness and pain.


Answer by  martine (860)

Pseudogout is not fake. It is a disease of the joints of people who have arthritis. Crystals form from salts in the body alot like gout.

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