health conditions


Question by  firozkhangmailcom (7)

What is PIN and its relationship to the prostate?


Answer by  Iamstrong (659)

The pre-prostatic cancerous condition is called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia or PIN. Doctors used the term to identify both low, medium and high grades (stages) of the disease. PIN is a division of identifiable cells that are not cancerous but must be watched/treated. Low grade is noteworthy but does not have as much potential as high or medium.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

PIN or prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia is not cancer but can predict prostate cancer. It is a proliferative lesion, composed of rapidly dividing protatic epithelial cells, but have not become cancerous.


Answer by  mdrwaltz (51)

In medical acronyms, PIN refers to Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia. PIN is a prostate disease, a precursor that can lead to prostatic cancer if not treated early.


Answer by  negrita (70)

PIN is Prostatic intraepithelial Neoplasia. Sometimes a biopsies will not show cancer but will show PIN or dysplasia. PIN is believed to be the precursor to cancer. It is composed of prostativc epithelial cells that are dividing more rapidly than normal epithelium. These cells have not become cancerous yet. PIN can be classified as low, medium and high grade.

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