

Question by  Jessie43 (16)

What is "mild" emphysema?

Does that mean your death will be *really* slow?


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

Mild emphysema is that it is just starting. No one knows about death but the Lord Jesus Christ, if death is going to be slow or not. Emphysema is a horrible disease and I am sure people that has it will tell you the same.


Answer by  Connie45 (1110)

No. It means that the disease is in the beginning stages. Progression can be halted by removal of the offending substance, notably tobacco smoke, and perhaps by increasing lung function through breathing exercises.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Emphysema is a progressive disease. It can come on with slight difficulty in breathing and it usually progresses to where oxygen is needed.

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