what is


Question by  hasan (1)

What is meaning of graphics?


Answer by  tskandiergmailcom (11)

This could mean computer graphics, drawing art especially in engineering and digital art using programs such as Photoshop or Autocad


Answer by  barkley (951)

Graphics refers to some sort of visual representation to order to illustrate something or make a point. Powerpoint slides are common graphics, containing a mixture of text and illstrations to drive to make a point known. Brochures or handouts also contain common forms of graphics, combining pictures with text to advertise or market a specific product.


Answer by  Anonymous

The English Wikipedia and the Simple English Wikipedia each have a page called Graphics. The Simple English Wikipedia (with a URL beginning with "simple") is useful if English is not your first language. Also, each Wikipedia page has links on its left side to the same topic in other languages.

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