

Question by  bonesofyou (39)

What is involved in raising chickens for eggs?


Answer by  swimsis (152)

Most important are feeding quality food, a safe place for them to lay the eggs, and collecting eggs daily. If allowed to sit on eggs, the hen will stop laying.


Answer by  vimalmay15 (122)

A chicken which is grown for eggs should be given excess protein and vitamin content and it should be vaccinated periodically to prevent it from any disease.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Decide what breed of chicken you want. Build a coop for them. Feed them good healthy food for high quality eggs. Start collecting after a few days!


Answer by  snugglesrn (26)

1. build chicken coop 2. clean coop everyday 3. feed and water chickens 4. it takes 6 months to get eggs fron chickens


Answer by  jamieellison (1637)

It is a good idea to have a secure location to keep the chickens at night (a tight coop to keep out predators), as well as wholesome feed available.


Answer by  Christina (18)

They need to be inside with a special light as chicks. When they grow, you don't have to do anything special, they'll lay eggs when ready.

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