health conditions


Question by  ljk1878 (5)

What is infintago?

I know that it is a skin condition but what causes it, what are symptoms and what are the treatment options?


Answer by  henners (568)

Infintago is a skin rash usually caused by a strain of Streptococcus. The disease occurs most commonly in people between the ages of two and six, but can and does effect other groups. The disease is characterized by an itchy rash. Treatment generally involves the use of a topical antibiotic.


Answer by  tubeth2000 (104)

Infintago is a medical condition, it looks like a dry itchy scrap on your skin, if you scratch it can get pus and get infected, and also it is highly contagious so if you scratch one part and touch other non infected area y can get sore too. See doctor.


Answer by  eaglover (394)

Impetigo, is a contagious skin infrection that usually produces blisters or sores on the face and hands. Its also one of the most common skin infections among children.


Answer by  anwar (2)

It is caused by bacteria entering the skin through an open wound or insect bite, t's a highly contagious skin infection better to consult a doctor for treatment.

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