what is


Question by  JoeyRay (12)

What is hypolipoproteinemia?


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

This condition is a lack of Lipoprotien in the blood due to genetic or non genetic diseases. This can lead to severe mental illness or poor growth. Some vitamins can help.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

It is a condition where you have a lack of lipoproteins in your blood. It is commonly caused by malnutrition.


Answer by  tam69 (61)

Hypolipoproteinemia is a cholesterol disorder. It means the lipid levels in your blood are too low. Lipids are the fats in your body. It's usually nothing to worry about, but it might mean you have some disorder like anemia, over active thyroid, or even cancer. Your doctor will want to do more testing.


Answer by  KLR (606)

Hypolipoproteinemia is a serious condition where there is not enough fat in the blood. Blood transports fat "packages" called Lipoproteins. This condition is rare.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

Also known as hypolipidemia, this condition is simply a lack of lipoproteins --fat-- in the blood. This rare, but serious, condition is diagnosed with a simple blood test. Genetics are often a factor in the genesis of the disease, but other conditions can also lead to this disease, including malnutrition, malabsorption, anemia, hyperthyroidism and Tangier disease.


Answer by  thorsdecree (409)

Hypoliproproteinemia is a deficiency in lipoproteins (fat-protein combinations) in the blood, such as a deficiency in HDL or LDL cholesterol. The word literally means "Deficiency fat protein blood disease" from the Latin roots.

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