

Question by  mikeyurchison (14)

What is furunculitis?


Answer by  cookiebookie (145)

Furunculitis is a an inflammatory skin disease which occurs in some mammals, such as dogs. It often appears as painful puss filled bump on the skin caused by a staph infection. In order for them to heal the pus needs to be drained from the boils, and antibiotics should be prescribed.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Furunculitis is a bacterial disease found in dogs. It effects different spots of the body. Typically a lesion or blister will form and will need some type of treatment.


Answer by  salina (943)

Furunculosis is also known as canine acne. It is a bacteria breeds such as the German Shepherd have a tendency to develop this. The area should be kept clean and the hair should be removed from the area of acne. There are other symptoms that relate to other disease please consult your vet to rule out.


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

Dogs can get boils on their skin, this is also known as fufunculitis. It is usually a puss filled wound that can be in a large wound looking like a pimple.

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