health conditions


Question by  tatymai (72)

What is firbromyalgia disease?

My cousin was just diagnosed with this, can you provide me with informaiton on it?


Answer by  drJ (841)

Fibromyalgia is a disorder of the pain receptors. It causes an unusual level of joint or muscle pain, and can be managed with antidepressants, diet, and physical therapy.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Firbromyalgia is a disease of the joints and muscles. It results in the patient being in a great deal of pain most of the time. Doctors are unsure as to what causes it and have very few remedies for those suffering from the disease. Exercise and seeing a chiropractor has been reported to help.


Answer by  soapjunkie (581)

Occurring mostly in women, this hereditary disease causes severe pain in the muscles where there is no detectable damage to the body. Unfortunately, there is no cure only pain management.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition consisting of pain that has no apparent physical cause. Doctors make this diagnosis by eliminating all other possible causes of pain (e. g. , heavy metal poisoning) and also checking pressure points on the body. It is a treatable condition.

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