

Question by  johnnybad (22)

Is a facial twitch related to lyme disease?


Answer by  lauraa (83)

Facial twitching could be related to lyme disease but it is best to consult with your doctor since twitching could be symptoms of other things as well.


Answer by  worker12 (293)

When the nerves in the face parellize therefore dropping a side of the face,{ Bells Palsy} this is associated with Lyme disease. A twitching may be a nervous condition.


Answer by  homer2 (21)

Yes, a facial twitch is one common symptom of lyme disease. But having a facial twitch alone does not necessarily indicate lyme disease. There are many symptoms.


Answer by  SarahJane (114)

Yes it could be, lyme disease is a primarily neurological condition caused by a tick. A twitch is often a neurological symptom.

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