

Question by  Rimi (27)

What is causing my English bulldog to be itching and have bumps all over him?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

English bulls can be susceptible to eczema, sebborhea, and acne, however none of these conditions, or the one you describe are normal. You need to see a vet.


Answer by  scott71 (51)

It could be a number of things that could be wrong. Starting at allergies to any number of insect bites. I would take the dog to the vet for checkup.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

He is probably having an allergic reaction to something. One common thing in bully breeds is for them to have food allergies. Try feeding him a different kind of food, ideally one with no corn.


Answer by  jordandevers (318)

This could be caused by allergies. It could be allergies from the food the dog is eating or something in the environment. Benadryl may help with itching.


Answer by  NancyTell843 (156)

He could have an allergy, probably fleas or a plant. Bathe him with colloidal oatmeal soap for dogs to soothe his skin. Treat him with flea repellant. If it continues, there could be allergens in his food; commercially produced dog foods have many. Get a good quality lamb and rice.


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

Sometimes english bulldogs sweat in between the folds of their skin and it causes dermatitius which is easily treatable. The other possiblility is fleas. Fleas cause red itchy bumps and even after you bathe your dog they will still itch for awhile. You can buy regular cortozone cream from any grocery store and it will help with the itch.

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