


Question by  redheart (29)

What is carob?

Is it healthy?


Answer by  irene84 (118)

Some people use carob as an alternative to chocolate or cocoa. It's not necessarily healthier than cocoa but it does contain more calcium. As far as calories and fat content, they are similar. Someone with allergies to chocolate might find a carob bar satisfactory.


Answer by  Kapow (6)

Carob is a type of tropical pod. Its pulp can be ground into a type of powder that resembles cocoa powder. Calorie-wise, carob is about the same as cocoa; however, it contains much more calcium and no caffeine, so it could be said to be healthier.


Answer by  mindym1987 (50)

Carob is similar to cocoa powder. It is sweeter, but has a diffrent texture and a flavor not as rich as acutal cocoa. In candy it matches up to cocoa powder health wise but does have more caffiene. This may concern some people. I would say it is a suitbale subsitution to cocoa.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

Carob comes from the carbo tree, which is a member of the pea family. The seed pods are ediable. When dried and powered, it resembles cocoa power and is sweet, and sometimes used as a substitute for chocolate. It gives things a different taste. It is healthier than chocolate only in that it contains no caffeine.

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