what is


Question by  njsnippet (2)

What is asparagus?


Answer by  s666666666666 (26)

Asparagus is kind of like broccoli. It has a single tall spear around 7' long. They grow every year and you are able to harvest it from the wild. It is very tasty when blanched in water and then add a bit of butter.


Answer by  Anonymous

I understand it also has anti-cancer properties.


Answer by  Bigpeter (58)

Asparagus is a flowering plant a member of the lily family called genus. It is in the vegetable. There are three types of Asparagus. The world known is Green then there is Viola were the stalks are purple and white these are grown under ground preventing chlorophyll production.


Answer by  somerset (801)

It is a very good vegetable, as vegetable goes. Don't be alarmed though if after eating it, your pee will have a unique odor. It is normal. Nothing is wrong with you.


Answer by  Anonymous

It is a long, thin vegetable that varies in color. They taste alright, and make your pee smell bad.


Answer by  penrose (235)

its a pretty tasty green vegetable that comes in the form of a stalk; you should know that lots of people get very smelly urine after they eat asparagus. i wouldn't let that prevent you from trying it - you will probably like it.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

Asparagus is a green vegetable. It is long and has little tiny leaves at the end. Many people love asparagus. Many people eat it cooked with butter, and it can be relatively expensive. I do not like asparagus. If it doesn't involve cheese or chocolate I usually don't like it.

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