

Question by  hlb9600 (31)

What is anterior uvetis in dogs?


Answer by  amyj (282)

Anterior uveitis is inflammation inside of the eye. It can be caused from a wide variety of infections or trauam. Often the cause is not known.


Answer by  AKM79 (330)

Anterior Uvetis in dogs is an eye disease that causes inflamation of eyes that directly affect front portion of the eye. It is extremely painful and causes loss of vision.


Answer by  Francy (34)

It is inflammation of the dogs' eye, particularly the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the ciliary body (the muscles that expand and contract to let in or filter light). It can be caused by bacteria or a virus. It can cause discomfort to the dog. If it worsens and is left untreated, it can cause permanent damage.


Answer by  jenny40 (19)

It is a inflammatory condition of the eye. It causes swelling of the iris ,and light sensitivity. It also causes the eyes to become red.

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