

Question by  dukespook (42)

What is an exercise to increase height?

Surely there is one that will work.


Answer by  smcc (43)

I have not heard of an exercise that makes you grow taller. You can try yoga, which is known to lengthen and make muscles appear leaner and longer. Also yoga is also a great way to stretch and lengthen your spine which could make you appear and feel slightly taller.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Although if somebody invented a way to increase height they'd be a VERY wealthy person, it is absolutely impossible. You are predisposed to how tall or short you are going to be, and there isn't anything one can do about it. Your weight on the other hand, you can control.


Answer by  Dansun (17)

Jumping exercises(basketball, rope skipping, running but jump with your each step..) that help stretch your muscles. Apart from exercising, go to bed early, stay away from oily food.

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