

Question by  siva51 (6)

What is an example of an operant condition?


Answer by  Roostah (17)

Have you ever noticed that some pets fear being put into a travel case? This is due to an example of operant conditioning. With some repetition, the pet comes to associate that doing an action (getting into the carrier) results in a negative outcome (going to the vet) and therefore attempts to avoid doing that action again in the future.


Answer by  Azoodica (286)

The experiments done by B.F. Skinner use operant conditioning. Skinner used rats in a cage with a feeding machine where every time the rat touched the bar and food pellet came out. After sometime, the actions of the rat is reinforced and either becomes more common or becomes extinct.


Answer by  eamondowling (12)

Touching a hot stove and feeling pain is an operant condition, associating pain with touching the stove. The consequences of the behavior - pain, cause the individual to modify their behavior. The next time the situation occurs where they might touch the stove they will have a memory which may cause them to pause and make another choice.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

A lab worker feeds a dog in the lab. Soon, when the dog sees the lab worker, it begins to drool. It associates the lab worker (neutral stimulus) with food.


Answer by  timeismoney (994)

Operant conditioning is when something that reinforces or strengthens a behavior is given, contingent on the expression of a target behavior. For example, writing an answer to this question will be met with a payment. The payment reinforces writing behavior, conditioning the writer to maintain or even increase the frequency of answering questions like this one.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

An operant condition is a behavior that was developed as a response to positive or negative reinforcements. If someone became popular at school for misbehaving, misbehaving is an operant condition.


Answer by  Deepz (121)

when a child bang his head on the table/ wall, it hurts. So the child learns not to do it again.

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