what is


Question by  sethrman (18)

What is an Emjoi Tweeze?


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

'Emjoi Tweeze' is a new hair removal system, configured like tweezers. The manufacturers claim that Emjoi Tweeze is 100% painless and removes even the smallest hairs, anywhere on the body.


Answer by  michaeledwardhourigan (462)

The Emjoi Tweeze is an automatic tweezer system, that removes body hair by pulling it out. The battery operated tweezer is run over the skin like an electric shaver.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

The Emjoi is a new tweezing system. This small tool claims to remove even fine hairs precisely and painlessly the first time. Retailing for around $15.00, the Emjoi uses two AAA batteries and allows you to tweeze in any direction.


Answer by  meme13 (33)

A Emjoi Tweeze is an object used to remove unwanted facial hair. It can be employed without pain due to its innovative design.

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