health treatments


Question by  outlaw (177)

What is an ear lavage?


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

In layman's terms, an ear lavage is squirting water into the ear to remove any foreign objects. As a medical student, I most frequently performed this on adults who had accumulated ear wax and on toddlers who had jammed something up in their ear.


Answer by  patti (29325)

A large syringe (NOT a hypodermic needle) is used to push warm water into the ear canal in an effort to dislodge wax build up and flush it out. It is painless, although the process does soak the patient. An ENT can painlessly and more effectively go into the ear to remove debris with precision instruments.


Answer by  sherryk (621)

It is washing out the ear canal to loosen up accumulated ear wax by squirting warm water into it. The important thing is to be VERY GENTLE and VERY careful not to push anything too far into your ear so that you don't hurt yourself or damage your ear-drum.


Answer by  jaimesgirl (1055)

This means using a solution to wash out the ear. This is usually done in the case of an accumulation of a large amount of wax. The solution is placed in the outer ear canal and allowed to set for a short period of time and then rinsed to help remove excessive wax.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You would have to talk to your doctor about it, the doctor has the information about it. Or you can look online.

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