

Question by  t56 (143)

What is an armadillo?

Where are they found?


Answer by  tatiana423 (75)

An Armadillo is a burrowing chiefly animal. Armadillos are nocturnal. The Armadillo's body is covered with hard horny plates. The Armadillo can be found anywhere in eastern or southern South Amarica.


Answer by  Wraith (191)

Armadillos are small mammals from the family Dasypodidae, closely related to the sloth and the anteater. They are found mostly in South American and select parts of the central United States. There are over 20 different sup-species of armadillos, all of which are endangered due to human expansion into their territory and over hunting, except for the Nine-banded Armadillo.


Answer by  Hazel101 (185)

The word Armadillo means 'little armored one' in Spanish. The Armadillo is covered with hard, bony plates on his body. They are common in Texas.

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