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Question by  fishofhappiness (39)

What is an appropriate outfit to wear to a Catholic baptism?


Answer by  Ahab (87)

Most people nowadays will dress fairly casually for christenings, even traditional Catholic events. Women can't go wrong with a nice dress without cleavage or shoulders on display. Men can wear trousers and a nice jacket, without having to wear a tie or a formal suit.


Answer by  Anonymous

Depending on what relationship you have with the family is what you should wear. If your relatives or the godmother/godfather you dress pretty formal. However if your just friends you can go pretty casual.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

When attending a Catholic baptism you should wear an outfit that is one step dressier than what you would typically wear to church. If you are female you should wear a dress that covers your shoulders, or a sweater if your dress is sleeveless. Males should wear a buttoned down shirt. A tie is not a requirement.


Answer by  John (9008)

Formal dress is appropriate for a Catholic baptism. If attending, you should dress like you would if you were going to a wedding.


Answer by  Liz (83)

It is apprpriate for either a boy or girl to wear a long white gown for their Baptism in the Catholic Church. Quiye often these embroidered satin gowns which these are passed down from one generation to the next. However, there are cute white satin suits for little noys to wear.


Answer by  Anonymous

my 15 year old daughter wore a poofy white dress with a flower headwreath,lace socks ans white mary janes for her baptism.


Answer by  Anonymous

our teen daughter wore a lace gown and bonnet for her baptism.she had a diaper and plastic pants under the gown with a white tee shirt.she had lace socks and white shoes with the gown.she was very cute!

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