health procedures


Question by  worker9429 (23)

What is an ANA blood panel?


Answer by  GVlad (104)

ANA - Anti Nuclear Antibodies. The test searches for Antibodies that attack your own cells and is used for diagnosing some auto immune diseases.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

An ANA blood panel stands for Antinuclear antibody panel. These antibodies are ties to the immune system, so this test is used to look for those disorders. Lupus is one of the disorders on the list.


Answer by  dog23 (168)

The ANA is an antibody test that can detect certain medical conditions such as lupus. When the ANA level is elevated, further testing may be recommended to rule out lupus.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Antinuclear antibody panel is performed to help diagnose autoimmune disorders such as lupus, to explain symptoms such as chest pain, rashes or arthritis that seem to have no cause.

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