what is


Question by  my5dogs2cats (113)

What is a Zwinky?

My kids keep talking about them.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

A Zwinky is a little avatar, which means a cartoonish representation of a person. People can derive them from photographs, and the programme simplifies the outline and draws a two dimensional character that the person then uses in web posts and similar to signify how they look.


Answer by  sc1234 (1319)

A Zwinky is an online avatar that people can get online and make look like whatever they want them to look like. You may have seen banner ads for them on the internet before. They are cartoons that you can dress up, etc.


Answer by  Connie45 (1110)

Basically it's an avatar. A Windows user makes a customized cardboard cutout of a character that represents the user. This is a Zwinky. Social sites like Facebook are featuring them, as are TV shows for children.


Answer by  Bizybee (134)

A totally free avatar cartoon character that you create to look like you to share with friends in social communities With over a million different combinations you can customize different aspects of their appearance to match your personal style such as hair color, hair style, clothes and more making an avatar that is totally unique to you.

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