health conditions


Question by  JR52 (16)

What is a stroke?

My aunt had a stroke, I need to know what that means and what her outcome will be.


Answer by  rickybobby (22)

A Stroke happens when the brain experience some type of blockage. The cause of the blockage in the brain varies, however the results are similar. Many things that can occur after a stroke including dizziness, slurred speach, blurred vision, paralysis are just a few. Some individuals will have permanant effects from a stroke, while others will only be temporary.


Answer by  katestar (169)

A stroke is a very serious cerebral event in the brain. It is normally caused by an interference in the blood flow to the brain. Depending on how much of an interference there was the blood flow, for how long, and what side of the brain will determine the outcome.


Answer by  PietHeemskerk (133)

A stroke is caused by the rupture of a bloodvessel in the brain. The resulting pocket of fluid will press on the structure of the brain, often causing damage. Depending on how fast one responds, the patient can recover with near-perfect faculties or suffer from complete one-sided paralysis.


Answer by  Lieve (19)

A stroke is something that looks like a heart-attack only it happens in the brain. The outcome will depend on the area that is damaged by the stroke.

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