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Question by  babalu (177)

What is a reasonable household wattage?


Answer by  Brandon55 (1719)

Most household meters are installed with 70 to 120 amp service. The only time you should consider wattage is when buying a generator, and decide what it will run.


Answer by  Att4372 (1704)

What is the amp capacity of your home? (100 amps is typical. ) Each circuit is either 15, 20, or 30 amps. 20 amps x 110 volts is 2200 watts. A single ciruit (all pulgs on that breaker) should total 1700 watts. Allow 30 percent for surge when you turn on a device. 1700 x 130% = 2200.


Answer by  SallyJ (1010)

Energy consumption will vary a lot between households. It depends on the number of people, the size, age, and upkeep of the property, the number and variety of appliances, and how much heating or cooling you need. Approximately speaking, an average three-bedroom home will use something in the region of 4000kWh per year.

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