video games


Question by  wonhunglo (19)

What is a protoss dragoon strategy?


Answer by  StandardDad (38)

In Starcraft 1 wall off a choke point with pylons and cannons then place a Cybernetics Core and Gateway to produce dragoons which can strike both ground and air units.


Answer by  nala347 (56)

A protoss dragoon strategy in starcraft I is to wall off your main entrance with two pylons and cannons then build 3-4 gateways and a cybernetics bay to begin making dragoons.


Answer by  ddrfreak08 (117)

Best is to use dragoons and zealots. The zealots will take the bulk of the damage as well as hold off any melee enemies. Another thing is shoot and move. If done right your dragoons should take no damage from some enemies. This only works with enemies that are slow.


Answer by  elecstorm83 (167)

Wait to attack. You are not the Zerg, so make sure you have a hoard of armies before you attack. Then go

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