A high protein diet is necessary for sprinters. Heavy weight lifting and sprinting causes muscles to break down and you need a high protein diet so that the muscles can repair themselves. A relatively high amount of carbohydrates is also necessary to train hard. Glycogen stores may be depleted and carbohydrates will replace them.
The best diet for sprinters is one that avoids all animal products, like meat, eggs and dairy. Carl Lewis, who won 10 Olympic medals (9 of them gold) was a powerful sprinter who benefited from such a regimen. A strict vegetarian diet supplies all the essentials with zero cholesterol intake.
Eat meat, fruits, veggies, and nuts and seeds. Little to no starch and sugar. Eat clean good food. If it's in a wrapper or cardboard box, something could be wrong. Drink plenty of water.
Bananas are easy to digest before or after a sprint or race. Green vegetables are really great because of the vitamins and are considered a super food. Fish is great for the protein and fatty acids. Dairy foods are important for your strong bones.
go liquid spirilina, and mangosteen juice. I am a sprinter also.I am oh so serious about my training. I have improved my time in 2weeks due to my intake of this, I know people wont believe it, I just say try it! a
Diet of one who run at greatest speed over a short distance is commonly use the muscles
strengthing food such as protein containing like wheat, pulses and cereals. In non-veg
can take bone marrow juice