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Question by  senvi (19)

What is a good choice for a girl's CD player?

My daughter is 13.


Answer by  poppanerf (90)

There are many styles based on popular kids t.v shows like hanna momtana and sponge bob square pants, it depends on her age and what she likes.


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

I like Sony products for a CD player and it depends on the features that you want for your daughter. For a 13 year old I do not think I would go with one that has too many features or it may confuse your daughter. Just go with the one that will be easiest for her to use.


Answer by  Ultimate (399)

In Regards to the CD player it should not cost over $40 USD for a quality CD player there are many CD players aimed at children and the only thing that needs to be known if the CD player is to be a Walk-man Style CD player Or Boom-box.


Answer by  powiti (3)

Sony D-NF340 Personal CD Player. Quality Sound, Portable, Ease Of Use, Durability, Price friendly, Battery Life long, sexy and good for girls

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