

Question by  Nrs (22)

What help can you give me for understanding a divorced man?


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

What is it that you are not understanding about him? Is he being distant? This could be because he is still feeling the pain of going through a divorce. He may have lost a lot more financially then he got out of the divorce settlement. Give him some time and he will come around.


Answer by  Abi61 (48)

If I were you I would ask him if you can talk to his ex. Remember, there are two sides to every story.


Answer by  realtor57 (118)

How long has he been divorced? If it has been recently, I would say less than a year, that you give him the space he needs. He might not be ready to be part of a couple yet. There is also the issue of children, who can make or break a relationship.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Depends on the reason for the divorce. Every man is different and it depends on how long ago the divorce happened. If recent, he may be hesistant to jump back into a relationship and all married men might not want to get married again, so that could be a concern for you.

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