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Question by  hairgirl24 (78)

What does vitamin b do?


Answer by  DStone (817)

Vitamin B helps to level metabolism, liver function and boost energy levels naurally. It also helps curb hunger and can help prevent over eating.


Answer by  Shaygel (60)

B1: thiamine, deficiency causing major fatigue. B2: riboflavin, deficiency causes chapped/cracked lips, mouth/throats sores. B3: niacin, deficiency slows metabolism/decreases tolerance of colds. B5: pantothenic acid, deficiency impairs energy production. B6: pyridoxin, balances sodium&potassium. B7: biotin, necessary for cell growth. B9: folic acid, synthesizes DNA. B12: cobalamin, key-player of nervous system.


Answer by  dough (326)

vitamin b is benifical for bone delvelopement also it helps maintain vitamins in our body that helps us keep mobile great for arthrtis and hair. It also helps the heart.

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