human body


Question by  eyeofra93 (16)

What does peripheral mean in relation to the body?


Answer by  skinnybob (248)

Peripheral means something outside of something else so in the case of peripheral nervous system it means outside the brain and spinal cord. Another example of peripheral as it pertains to the body is peripheral vascular disease which affects the blood vessels outside the heart and brain. Peripheral vision means being able to see outside our normal line of sight.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The term refers to the periphery: that which is outside of or along the edge of something. Peripheral vision refers to what you see from the side as you look straight ahead. The peripheral nervous system operates beyong the central nervous system.


Answer by  booj (40)

Peripheral usually refers to peripheral vision, which is the type of seeing that occurs in the field of vision on the sides of the eyes.

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