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Question by  jane29 (34)

What does it mean to "lower your car"?


Answer by  drew89 (117)

lowering your car means to swap out the stock springs/struts from your suspension to a spring/strut combination that literally lowers your car a set ammount


Answer by  jon40 (440)

It means to lower how high your car actually sits off the ground normally with different springs or a hydraulic airbag system


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Lowering refer to the act of shorting the ride height of a car. Typically by modifying the suspension with the use of adjustable coil overs or airbags.


Answer by  sabareesh (20)

Lowering car meant lowering the insurance premium,repair cost,etc. Take the highest deducible you can afford on collision and comprehensive coverage. A higher deducible mean lower premiums. To lower the repair cost minor repairs are best carried out by a friend who knows a little about cars,try to look for a garage that allows customers to buy their own parts

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