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Question by  Kay98 (27)

What does it mean to be circumcised?

My sister is not having her son circumcised.


Answer by  Andersen (628)

Circumcision is amputation of the foreskin of a male or the clitoral hood of a female to reduce sexual sensation. The New Testament of the Bible specifically forbids it.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

Circumcision is a surgery to remove the foreskin of a baby boy's penis. It is sometimes done for religious, hygienic, or cultural reasons.


Answer by  John (9008)

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the penis. It is primarily cosmetic, although it also helps with hygiene and may help reduce the risk of some cancers.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

Circumcision is a minor medical procedure done on infant males to shape the head of their penis. It has religous origins to Abraham in the Old Testament but is also considered standard procedure for health reasons for many young males.


Answer by  gman9976 (248)

To be circumcised it means to remove the excess skin from the tip of a a person's penis. This is usually done at birth.

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