health conditions


Question by  pilot (204)

What does it mean if you crave salty foods?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Your body may be low in salt. Salt is needed in your diet. Many natural foods already have salt in them. However, sometimes it can mean you are consuming too much sugar. Because your body is trying to compensate for all of the sugar consumption, you will crave foods that are salty and often are also fried.


Answer by  Sally1049 (158)

The more salt that you eat, the more you crave it. You will also need to use more to satisfy the craving. It could also be that you are not getting enough of the minerals in salt. It could also be a sign of diabetes or high blood pressure.


Answer by  Veetzy (376)

Craving salty foods may indicate that you are suffering from a disorder of the thyroid gland called hypothyroidism (under active thryoid) or the adrenal glands which sit on top of your kidneys. Salt contains iodine which is essential to the functioning of the human body. If lacking, your body will make you crave salty foods.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

This could mean if you are female and it is near your menstraul cycle that you are just craving a salty food because at this time your hormones change. But also it could mean that you are not getting enough of certain things in your regular everyday diet. Diet change will make a big difference.

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