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Question by  anishnc (17)

What does it mean if my blood test comes back with high neutrophils and low lymphocytes?


Answer by  Echo (229)

A high neutrophil count is a marker of a bacterial infection. The primary concern of the doctor will by the lymphocyte count. When they come back low it is a sign of lymphocytosis which is, most likely, a sign of lymphocytic leukemia.

Reply by Addie42 (0):
My readings are MCV H9.86 mpv h11.6 Neutrophil H74.5 Lymphocyle L13.6 What does this mean?  add a comment

Answer by  Amom (701)

Neutrophils and lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses. If you have high lymphocyte count, you were exposed to a viruse. If you have a low Neutrophils score then is wasn't bacterial. You should have a doctor explain it fully to you because there are other factors involved when getting blood tests results that only a doctor knows.


Answer by  mansi (521)

It could indicate something as simple as a bacterial infection to mono or as serious as leukemia. It's best to wait for your doctor to explain the results before stressing yourself out and jumping to conclusions.

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