Can a cats claws damaged the paintwork of a car & cause small chips in the paintwork?
Can I get a new mod chip for my Playstation?
Can you give a puppy ice chips?
How do you copy X-Box games with a mod chip?
How do you replace ic chips on Panasonic 52 inch hdtv projection?
What do the mod chips do on an X-box 360?
Where can you buy mod chips for xbox 360?
video games
Question by Latin4 (11170)
I don't know if I want one.
Answer by Leonardo5 (11)
A PS2 mod chip allows you to play games released in other countries; a Japanese only game would be able to run on an US-modded PS2.
Answer by Amber40 (24961)
Well mod chips allow for you ps2 to do a lot of thing it is not allowed to do normal. The main befit being the ability to play backup copies.
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