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Question by  Ahni (20)

What do you do with a RPG Maker XP?


Answer by  Rafar (46)

The propose of the program "RPG Maker XP" is to allow people to create their own Role Playing Games without having to have a background in computer programming.


Answer by  NPCUSER (9)

RPG Maker XP is a program that allows you to easily create your own role-playing games. You do not need to have any prior programming experience to use the program.


Answer by  68555 (25)

You make you own RPG role-playing games. It is popular and easy to understand. There is also scripting support. It can be used by beginners and experts. RPG Maker XP is the fourth version of the RPG Maker series.


Answer by  LazyPilots (82)

RPG Maker XP is used to easily make RPG type games for PC. It takes away nearly all of the coding aspect and allows the creator to focus on writing the game and creating the art.

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