human body


Question by  MichaelKearney (10)

What do platelets do?


Answer by  Clement (1453)

Platelets play a crucial role in causing bleeding to stop. Insufficient number of platelets can cause excessive bleeding, while excessive number of them can lead to forming of blood clots.


Answer by  thangam (95)

Platelets is necessary for the various progression in our body for example it is important for hemostasis, for proteolysis, for atheroprotection, prophylaxis, etc.


Answer by  Angie83 (180)

Platelets are the parts of the blood that sticks together when someone is injured and bleeds. This forms scabs and stops someone from bleeding to death.


Answer by  Cali2307 (1337)

Platelets prevent excess bleeding. Whenever you have a wound, whether it be a tiny scrape or a bigger injury, platelets travel to the wound site and act as clotting agents. Even when they are not trying to stop open bleeding, they help stop internal bleeding as well by stopping seepage into your capillaries.

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