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Question by  bidibidus (55)

What do I need to know about kid's basketball instruction?

I am going to be working at a summer camp for children.


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

Patience is the main thing to keep in mind when working with any children. Basic rules of positions and shooting etiquette should work out fine.


Answer by  3edad (219)

First, know the basics. Teach the kids how to properly dribble, pass, and shoot. If you do not know how to properly perform these, watch videos that can teach you or consult available coaches. An important aspect of coaching kids is to get down to their level. Speak in terms they understand and lower yourself to their eye level.


Answer by  bjc (354)

You need to teach the kids the basics of footwork, the basics of a proper shooting technique, the basics of defense, and the basic rebounds skills. Emphasize hustle and teamwork.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

Basic drills which are age appropriate, and the rules of the game. In addition, working to the players skill set.

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