pet health


Question by  cjlaw (17)

What do I do about a sick guinea pig?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Take your pig to a qualified exotics vet (i.e. one that has experience with rodents, not an ordinary cat/dog vet) as soon as possible. Guinea pigs are prey animals and mask signs of illness unless they are VERY ill. Most illnesses are treatable if you act quickly. Illnesses are especially common in pet store pigs, so remember to adopt!


Answer by  abby39 (213)

The best thing you can do is take it to a vet. Make a note of the guinea pig's symptoms and bring them with you to the visit.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Find a qualified exotics vet who specialises in rodents and make an apointment ASAP. As prey animals, they hide illnesses well; if they are showing symptoms they are very sick.


Answer by  Mumma (483)

Take him/her to a proper exotics vet immediately. Guinea pigs go downhill VERY fast. You might also have to syringe-feed a mash of pellets and water to keep them alive.


Answer by  WranglerMama (289)

Guinea pigs often do not show signs that they are sick until they are REALLY sick. You should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. If you recently bought your guinea pig at a pet store, you should call them first and see if they can help you.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Find your nearest EXOTICS (not cat/dog) vet and make an appointment ASAP. Most cavy illnesses can be treated if caught early and followed through.


Answer by  Andrea7979 (43)

Small animals like guinea pigs must eat constantly in order to survive. They cannot go days without eating as a dog could. If your guinea pig is sick and not eating you need to get to a vet asap!


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

How long has it been sick? This is something you should talk to your vet about they may want you to bring it in.


Answer by  yodawg (86)

Basically, if you have a sick guinea pig it's not worth saving. Start by disposing of the body. Flush it down the toilet or take it to the vet so that he or she can dispose of it legally for you. You might also try feeding it chicken soup. Good luck out there.

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