

Question by  smokeydabear (47)

What do Amish dresses look like?

I need one for a school play.


Answer by  sarenlarson (44)

Amish dresses look very similar to pilgrim dresses. The Dress is completely black floor length and long sleeved. The dress is high cut and very modest, it covers the majority of the body. The dress is normally accompanied with a black or white bonnet and a white apron, and black plain closed toe shoes.


Answer by  arumg (18)

They are normally light blue or black in color, with long sleeves and rounded collar with a waist band sewn into the middle. The dresses normally go down to your ankles, most wear an apron over the top.


Answer by  sarah237 (385)

They look like peasant dresses that are on the long side to the ankle. They are worn with aprons and lace up shoes because amish women are the cooks in the family.


Answer by  Ant99 (22)

long dress like clothing generally black sometimes purple but mainly black dress with a white hat p.s ive seen them in person [=

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