


Question by  CherieMassoud (48)

What diseases are common in silver leaf maples?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Anthracnose causes light brown/tan leaves, mainly shows in rainy seasons, and resembles scorch. Aphids overpower and leaves fall off. Cottony maple scales will form cottony masses on branches. Tar spot produces small black raised spots on upper leaf surfaces. Leaf blister looks like its name. Fungacides will cure serious cases if needed.


Answer by  worker8735 (40)

Anthracnose : fungal infection characterized by purple-brown areas along the leaf veins Tar Spot: caused by a fungus that produces raised, black bumps on a silver maple's leaves


Answer by  worker7369 (103)

During the rainy season, Anthracnose is a common disease, causing light brown areas on the leaves. Insect infestation is also common, but is usually treatable.

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