
 beauty  hair


Question by  zoid (49)

What could make my hair look slightly green?


Answer by  beenthere13 (197)

Exposure to chemicals can turn hair color green. If you have blonde hair naturally, exposure to cholorine in swimming pools has been known to tinge hair a green color. Hair that is dyed or colored in anyway can also react with chemicals found in water.


Answer by  em (201)

I used to have bleach blonde hair and whenever i would go swimming in a public swimming pool my hair would temporarliy turn greenish. I believe is it the chemicals (primarily chlorine) that made my hair change colour.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Two of my friends have had problems with their hair looking slightly green. One of them had prematurely gray hair, and he discovered using dark green shampoo was tinting it green. The other person was blond and was swimming in chlorinated pools every day -- it cleared up when she found a shampoo specially made for swimmers.


Answer by  stephanie63 (21)

After swimming sometimes my hair has turned green. Maybe it is due to the chlorine. but after a few shampoos and some good conditioner it was gone.

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