


Question by  mjaromin (42)

What could cause red spots on my arm?


Answer by  eric1980 (371)

They could be caused by psoriasis. It's hard to say without seeing a picture. The best thing to do would be to look up pictures of it and see if that's what you have. If it is they make a cream you can buy over the counter or you can use tea tree oil soap.


Answer by  Olddog (85)

The most common cause of simple red bumps on the backs of your arms is keratosis pilaris. This is a very common condition that results in chicken skin like bumps. You can use exfoliating cleansers or products that contain alpha hydroxy or lactic acids. You need to attack this problem with both physical and chemical exfoliation.


Answer by  BrianB89 (160)

Small red spots and bumps on your arms could be the result of Keratosis Pilaris, a common skin condition. Use a moisturizing body lotion to repair damage to the skin in the affected area. Avoid sun-overexposure and be sure to use sun-screen, this will prevent further damge.


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

Red spots on the arms can come from bug bits, too much sun, or allergies. The only easily prevantable cause is restraining yourself from overexposure to the sun. Allergies can be avoided by not touching plants or animals and staying in cool filtered air. Bugs are nearly unavoidable.


Answer by  brett29 (467)

It could be a few things. This could be an allergic reaction to something or a sun burn. It could also be a few other things like poison ivy. To treat bathe and clean your self well.

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