

Question by  Sockless (528)

What could cause excessive panting in dogs?


Answer by  Crystal47 (59)

A dog's way of sweating is through panting so many dogs will pant a lot if they are extremely excited or if they are very tired.


Answer by  John (9008)

Dogs pant for two reasons. The first reason is if they are hot. Panting serves the same purpose as sweating in humans. Thus, a panting dog might just be too hot. The other possibility is that the dog is in pain.


Answer by  Fishtales (373)

Excessive panting in dogs is caused by nervousness in the animal. If the animal is stressed you will find excessive panting. Weather also effects a panting response. If a dog is in hot weather without shade or water the dog will pant to cool itself off. Water often solves this issue.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Excessive panting in dogs is a direct sign of dehydration, or sever heat overload. Dogs sweat via their mouth, and panting is a sign of sweating.

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