

Question by  squashpants (23)

What could be wrong with a cat who can't eat and has a hard time breathing?


Answer by  Bpg (84)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a lethal viral illness that primarily affects young cats and those that are old. It is characterized by fluid accumulating in the abdominal and chest cavity making it difficult for the cat to eat and breathe and results in death in a matter of weeks.


Answer by  Christoph (56)

Your feline could be experiencing a intestinal blockage. It also could be is just sick. Some cats react strangely when a tumor develops, it presses on the stomache and on the diaphram, making it hard to eat and breathe.


Answer by  shawdowsmom (138)

It could be something he ate, check around outside for a half eaten blue tailed lizard. If this is the problem his symptoms will only last a day or so.


Answer by  smd4newsboys (95)

Coughing can be caused by inflammatory/ allergic disease (asthma),infection (bronchitis, pneumonia, viral/bacterial/ fungal), parasite (heartworm, lungworm), or cancer. Asthma is probably the most common,or maybe even be diabetic. As for cant eat i assume you mean wont and for a cat not feeling well this is expected.

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